Could we help you?
If you meet the following criteria we would love to hear from you and help you to make the fullest recovery possible.
Do you have a recent spinal cord injury?
Have you or someone you know suffered a spinal cord injury within the last 2 months? Early intervention is imperative so please don't delay in contacting us.
Are you without a compensation claim?
Spinal cord injury rehabilitation costs a lot of money. If you do not have a compensation claim or other significant financial support we would love to hear from you.
Are you highly motivated to make a full recovery?
Recovering from a spinal cord injury is without doubt one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life. If you're highly motivated to get better and willing to share your journey to inspire others we would love to hear from you!
Helping People with Spinal Cord Injury
Walk Again is a fledgling charity, aiming to provide assistance to people with spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord Injuries recover most quickly in the first 6-12 months and the frequency and intensity of physiotherapy during this time is critical to a maximised recovery.
Many people leave hospital after a spinal cord injury and have waiting times of over 4 months for NHS physiotherapy.
Our goal is to fund physiotherapy, adaptations, and/or adaptive equipment to plug this gap during the golden time for recovery.
We also plan to provide coaching, mentoring, and emotional support from spinal cord injury survivors and their partners/families having been devastatingly affected by SCI ourselves.
Spinal Cord Injury Patients annually in the UK
Due to falls
Due to Road Traffic Accidents
From sports, lifting accidents or other trauma
About Walk Again
At Walk Again, our model is very simple:
1 We fundraise
2 We select a spinally injured person who will benefit from an intensive physiotherapy regime
3 100% of donations are used to help the selected patient(s)
4 The patient's progress is documented on social media to show you how your money has changed somebody's life forever.
Upcoming Projects
We can't register to become a recognised charity in the UK until we have raised £5000. This is our first aim so we can grow the charity to help even more spinally injured people. All charity overheads are funded entirely by the trustees so 100% of donations will go to helping spinally injured people in their hour of need.